A- I would have to say LEO-GEO!
So, Leo-Heads, today I thought I would do a little Q&A and answer some of (one) of your Leo based inquiries. I found the following message in the comments of my last post:
Leo was offered the lead in the Ring twO, however he turned it down to do the Aviator. Do you think he would have been number one in Oscar town if he had made better choices? discuss.dcoy 03.09.05 - 8:10 pm #
And then I was like:
first of all, this is the first i have heard of leo having any involvement in ringu 2, and quite frankly i am apalled that they would even have the nerve to ask him. leo doesnt make movies like that, he is too cool, so in this one instance i would say no, it certainly would not have made a difference (not a positive one). overall though, your question becomes much more interesting. leo has also said that he wishes he had taken the lead in boogie nights (which he was offered) over titanic. this would have made a world of difference on his career path, as he would have been viewed as an actor rather than a pretty face for those 5 ridiculous years between titanic and catch me. the diggler role, while not in my favorite movie, afforded wahlberg the freedom to do pretty much whatever the shit he wants ever since, even though he is MUCH prettier than he is a good actor (he was an underwear model). so in short, the answer is yes, i suppose different choices would have brought leo down a different path, though hindsight is 20/20, and for where he was five years ago he is doing brilliantly. titanic, for a lesser actor, could have been total career suicide, and yet for leo it has proven to be more proof that he can literally do it all, something you could never say about marky mark. leo is by far the most bankable actor in the world, and he is arguably also the best. not bad for a guy who is just entering his thirties.
thank you for your question dcoy, and keep on truckin!
And there we have it! Wasn't that fun?
In fact, I would like to open the message box below to any Leo-based inquiries and discussion that you, my loyal Leolites, may have. I will then cull from the answers my favorite/most delicious Leo-based inquiries and respond to them in future posts! This is going to be awesome, like a Leo discussion forum, or a newsgroup!
The discussion board is OPEN!