Sorry about that last post. Pretty brutal, but I just couldn't resist. I wanted to not do it but I couldn't resist. My powers were weak for the preventing doing it, and I seriously just couldn't resist.
But you can all relax now, the mean, stupid post has gone away and in its place is this delicious post. If the old post was a fart, this post is like a happy fart, from the back end of a unicorn. Rainbowy.
LEO: Hey, Marto, let's get down to business.
Ahoy Leonardo! Hark I say! That is a grand idea! Today on the menu I have a poem for you about pizza. If you rearrange the letters in poem, you get mope. That's called this: IRONIC. Poem time!
Blood Meal
I'll have two large pizzas please
With chocolate chips and candied peas
With bamboo shoots and ginseng roots
And chopped and sautéed apple seeds.
Go light on the banana chips
Their hard, sharp edges cut my lips
Blood runs south from my aching mouth
And dangles from my fingertips.
Blood is pouring, gentle loss
Coats my plate, a tepid gloss
The crimson flow on blanched white dough
Mixes with the sauce.
My mouth is filled, a bloody feast
Human juice and tainted yeast
Warm and sour, drained of power
Fills my belly up, my beast.
Trickling poisons from the deep
Drying padding colors seep
Head is falling, darkness calling
Eyes fall closed and into sleep.
Whap, hope you liked it. In the words of this guy:
'Mmm, I love turtles!'