man this bloggo has been a boring wasteland of late hey? as charlie sheen said in Navy S.E.A.L.S "whaaaat a shithole!" I should rename it "The Lame Lab", or maybe "House of Crap". Either way, Im back now, deep breaths everybody. The reason for the hold up is that I have joined the ranks of the gainfully employed. I just finished my first week on the job at the CEC network, lika thees. It has been pretty excellent so far, im recruiting teachers to teach english in oman, UAE, colombia, argentina, china and south korea. So im on the phone alot of the day and going through resumes and emailing people. its pretty cool i must say. so thats the job, now onto the good stuff...
Man Sticks His Balls Together
In a bizarre incident this week in Hull, a man accidentally stuck two pool balls together demonstrating a type of molecular fusion previously unseen. While shooting snooker at the local pub Terry Graves took a good hard shot at the pink and watched mystified as the two balls quite literally fused together, with one third of his cue buried. The scene caused quite a stir, that was eventually broken up by pub manager Tom Fitzsimmons coming over and removing the balls from the table. In an even stranger twist, The University of Manchester has made a 40 thousand pound bid for the balls, while Fitzsimmons is holding out, saying: "my balls are worth a lot more than 40 large, even if they are stuck together". A Manchester University spokesman has said they believe the incident proves a highly theoretical type of fusion known as "molecular blending" whereby two solid objects - being comprised of more empty space than particles - quite literally just slide together. "The odds of such an occurrence are ten trillion to one," said the spokesman, "Mr. Fitzsimmons would be doing science a great favor by giving up his balls." At press time, Fitzsimmons wouldn't budge.
What???? .. british people are fucked up...anyway, i gotsta take a shower, wash the stench of success off my velvet skin.. have a great weekend everybawdy...