I want everyone to have fun with these, but I also want you to be careful. The last thing I would want would be you dudes ending up with a broken tongue and trying to sue the fanhome.
That would not be very “fetch”.
”The detective’s directive’s elective’s defective”.
- the case of the cloned Kleenex. Difficulty: 5/10. Just getting you warmed up.
“Dwayne Wayne’s plain refrain? - No pain, no gain, no mane? Rogaine!”
-Challenging AND inspirational. 7/10.
“Pucker for a bucker sucker puck a licker dicker fucker”
- that one is for adults. Expert adults! 8/10!
“Britney’s shit knee smells like chutney!”
-a little less challenging, though truthful. 6/10.
How about a quick break before we get into the really tough ones?
I like to do this little exercise to loosen up the tongue for some more twisting, say it with me:
“la la loo loo
pee pee poo poo
piss pot piss pot
poo poo poo”
Feel better? More mature? Good, cause now it’s time to get serious…
“Bent and dented residents spent rented cents on repented demented gents”.
-Snap, word to mother! 9/10
“Skittles make little dumpy spittle monkeys grumpy”
-aw shit, I just broke ya cheekbone! 9/10.
And finally:
“Two booze sips on a cruise ship’s crew’s trip. Bar-tip? Parsnip. Tip Jip = Bruised lips ooze drips. Blood Flood Boat Trip!”
-that is a 10/10. if you can actually say that one you might be a serpent.
Have a great weekend everybody! Say “hi” to the tongue-tician for me as he untangles your twisted yap trap!
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