I hope I am not taking my last post about K-Pax down too early. I hope everyone had a chance to appreciate its subtle charms. In case you missed it, you can view it by clicking on the link to your left under "previous posts". Or by clicking here. Or by phoning me and I can tell you all about it. Man it was good.
But I digress.
The reason I have blogged you today is to tell you about a few things that are happening in the world right now that I love. That is why I titled the post "I love these things". Sometimes the best solution is the most obvious one. Jesus said that.
Let's get it onnnnn!
#1. Columbia University.
Julie is going there in two weeks to start grad school. Like whoah. I was trying to think of a silly joke to make about hating Columbia because K-PAX was shot there (seriously) but instead I will just say congrats. I'm so proud of you baby.
#2. The Toronto Blue Jays.
Put on your rally caps you wacky blogofucks! We are currently sitting four games out of the wildcard in the AL. We just took the series from the (1st place) Angels and are turing into one of the hottest teams in August. Next up a weekend series in D-12, bring it on Tigers! I Love This Thing!
#3. The Chapters in Bloor West Village.
Jules and I discovered this beauty last Sunday on a walk-about. The front half is a normal bookstore, but walk to the back and you are standing in an old theater space with 40 foot ceilings and a stage area with an exposed brick backdrop. It was incredible. I mean whatever. Bookstores are for nerd-alerts.
#4. Blankets - By Craig Thompson.
I saw this book while I was at the bookstore in BWV. I ordered it off the internets (paid $24 instead of a cover price of $43 - that's why the last name's Bargoonagan) and it showed up yesterday. I just read the first 80 pgs. or so last night (it's almost 600 pgs!) and I am basically freaking out about it. The artwork looks like this:
I Love This Thing!
#5. This Photo.
I think this hot girl-on-girl action speaks for itself. Wait, what's that?
I Love This Thing!
#6. Porcelain Figurines.
Holy shit I Love This Things! Look how cute these little buggers are! That cat in a dress brings back back such fond memories of the Cat-Country. If I had these two little dudes I would probably swallow them. To make them closer to me. ILTT!
#7. Weddings.
Weddings make my heart melt, it drips out of my eyes in the form of tears. I think this about weddings:
Weddings are lovely.
Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.
The groom has VD.
Love Loves These Things!
Tune in for more love next week. When I promise to post a little more often. Because I love you. And I am sorry I called you "blogofucks".
LEO: Nice post Marto.
ME: Thanks dude.
LEO: No, like that post was actually nice. And minimal poop humor and irritating nonsense jokes. Really.
ME: Oh, well thanks I guess.
LEO: It's good.
ME: It's the new me baby.
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