- Avril Lavigne.
Life is, indeed, complicated. From the difficult equations presented by a challenging chemistry riddle, to the complex twists and turns performed by a professional diver. Life, at times, seems nothing if not complicated.
Again, complicated.
It seems people spend a lot of time observing this quality in the world, often saying things like:
"This thing is very complicated".
"Why does this have to be so hard?"
And while these are legitimate statements, they are focusing on the negative, and thus produce negative results. For more positve results, people should be saying things like:
"That man's physique is incredible"
"That potion could probably have some beneficial effects on a man's physique"
Another problem I see alot of is people commenting that things are confusing. For example, someone makes a joke like:
Q: What did Brady tell his lady?
A: I'll a view. Whoah man, he's Ed.
And when they finish, someone close-by says something like:
"That joke was confusing"
WRONG! Just because you are feeling confused doesn't mean that the joke wasn't funny, or that the joke was confusing. You were probably confused by something earlier in the day, never got over it, and now you are taking it out on this perfectly good and funny joke. So think back, back, back:
What did you have for breakfast?
Was it confusing?
What song is in your head?
Does it make you feel confused?
Did you remember to close the window?
You seem confused.
Don't make it the jokes fault, cause the joke did nothing wrong.
Q: What did Brady tell his lady?
A: "I love you woman" he said.
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