'Where you been?' humans always ask me. 'Why don't you blog anymore?'. 'Blog you don't blog anymore' they say to me. The nerve!
Well helio-blogs, after wrapping the Olympics earlier this week, the truth is that I am a little tapped out. If I was a cashew nut I would be skinless and half digested by the roasting juices of your deep and unclean bowels. Or something.
But I wanted to write a blog today because it has been far too long, and if I didn't write something soon, I feared you might start visiting sites like this one, this one and this one instead of the mighty Salad Army, and we can't have that. Maybe the last one, but definitely not the first two. Fuck the first two!!!
LEO: So what is this post about Marto?
Good question Leonard. Fine question, the better question, however, is what isn't this blog about.
LEO: Oh fuck, here we go...
Chill, I'm only kidding. I wouldn't do that at such a critical and fragile time in my relationship with the helio-blogs. That would be unresponsible. What is unresponsible you say? Well chipmunks, I am glad you asked...
LEO: That's it, I'm leaving you.
Okay, no seriously, I'm kidding, relax. Someone is strung up pretty tight today. The real answer to your question is that this post is about:
LEO: What about them?
Well that's precisely my point Leo, what about them?
LEO: You're pushing it.
I'm serious, people shake hands every day, to close deals, be sporting, or say hello. But what do all those handshakes do. Or rather, what do they mean?
LEO: You've lost me.
Well consider this, friend. A shake is just a shake, and yet it is always more than a shake. For example, you can shake like this:
But that shake might mean something like this:
Or even this:
Kind of makes you think, doesn't it?
LEO: No, it doesn't.
Yeah, well, what about this shake?
And this one?
And this one!
And this one!
And this one!
LEO: What are you trying to prove?
Fine, forget it. There goes another.
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