it's time to blog,
bloggy bloggy fun time,
it's time to blog!
I can write a blog
about Leo D
and how the Aviator is coming to a theater near me!
I rock out!
Cause I am a punk rock blogger!
fuck blogs, i don't even give a shit
about stupid bloggys
unless they are about how shitty the government is
and then I love those fuckin' balowaaaaaags!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Blog who?
Blogreat big bubbles with your Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum!
I can't stop rappin'
when a blog's involved
it's like an unsolved mystery
that's gotta be solved
it's a natural thing
like how the apes evolved
into men and women and birds and dogs and dolphiiiiiiinnnnns.
My freestyle words
are wonderful things
and you better come a runnin
when the dinner bell rings
cause i'm serving bloggy rhymes
like a mockingbird sings.
Lewis honey, who's at the door?
It's a blog momma, and it's got all kinds of Leo pics on it!
Yeah but does it feature poo-poo jokes?
Yes ma'am, it sure does!
Well then let it in, were having company for dinner!
Yo, one time I had to have a rap battle with a turtlllllllle!
I ripped up that tortoise!
I was like:
"Rap any speed you want TURTLE,
I'm still gonna win this lyrical footrace!"
And he was like:
"I'm harder than the shell on my back,
you must be smokin crack
cause your rhymes are so whack,
and by crack I mean the one at the bottom of your back,
the brown one, beside ya nutsack, below ya dinky,
humans are stinkyyyyyyyyyyy!"
And I was all:
"Fuck that you green skinned amphibian,
you look like Mike Bibby 'n
your skin is dry and crocodilian,
or are you a reptile?
Make up your mind you stupid herbivore!"
And then the groundhog got the crowd to vote and I won!
"While Leonardo was not banished from
the forest, he could never bring himself
to return".
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