The first news of the day is: This little dude bug to the left has now become a parmanent fixture of the Leo fanhome. He has truly set the bar for funniness to lofty new heights. We shall call him Terrence, and we will imagine him telling us the Leo fact of the day and all will be good in the world.
Moving on, I am going to see the Raps tonight. It will be my second consecutive home game, so I can pretend I am some kind of short-term season tickets holder that for some reason sits in different sections at every game. Lovely. Wait, look at Terrence! Oh hell yeah. You my boy T!
And finally, I have decided to try a three minute slamdown as originaly seen on TOTAOL (RIP). What better way to start the weekend than a little spontaneous Leo literature... Here goes:
Look at luscious Leo lying lovely on the beach. Soft golden locks dusting his gently sloping shoulders. Look at Gisele, spry and graceful! The handle is a boon fair Giselle, your long lovely legs. I can see you now, bounding high through the mist into the arms of your beloved. But why won't you tie the knot you two crazed children? Why won;t you make your love and take your love to a level higher than that of playful youths? Surely two such healthy attractive specimens as yourselves have enjoyed eachother in a physical capacity? Why then can you not share your souls.... What are you doing today young couple, cuter than cute couple? riding on a boat or lounging on the beach even more and more than one could ever hope to lay the responsibilities of life out to dry. basking in a life of love, fawned over by the locals, breeding with the tribesmen? Leo, will you take a lover of a tribesman? will you enjoy the local culture? taste the tastier, more tempestuous fruits of this "island" you have made your home? i suggest you do fair sir, i suggest you spread your legs and arms and soul and embrace your new tribal instincts and do the noble thing sir, you know the meaning of nobility do you not gisele? then let Leo walk his path, straight to the arms of the besotted chieftain that hungers for your leo and watch as he slakes the cravings of one man, one island, and one lifetimee.
3:34 - though i had to stop the timer for a moment when i got a phone call, so that is somewhat "estimated". It is also fair to say that i somewhat want to "erase it", though I suppose that would defeat the purpose. Anyway, have a great weekend, and don't get bit by that flu-bug that's going around!!!
What me worry?
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