"Don't over-water your lawn, Human!"
So the news of the week is - drumrollllll - the Pistons and Spurs in are in the FINALS! Brought to you by PEPSI! Only on ABC!
Always Be Closing.
Detroit and San Antone are gonna grind it out
Run some half court sets until they find it out:
Who can be more boring and make less mistakes!
Draw more crappy charges and catch a few breaks!
Manage the clock and play not to loooose... IT ALL!
Would it be juvenile if I referred to the teams as the PISS-tones and S-POO-ers?
LEO: Yeah dude, it would.
ME: Shit. (stons).
You also may or may not have noticed some changes to the site, namely the addition of the archives and the removal of the "crying babies" section. I was sorry to see them go, but in the interest of having the site function as a slick, stream-lined, killing machine it was deemed necessary.
I did, however, add something preeeety special to the sidebar, let's see if you can pick it out.
Bobby Brown likes the drugs.
Happy Hump-Day!
LOL Administator.
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